China Strategic Holdings Limited


The Company has recognised the importance of transparency and accountability, and believes that shareholders can benefit from good corporate governance. The Company aims to achieve good standard of corporate governance.


The Company has complied with all the applicable provisions of the Corporate Governance Code (the "CG Code") set out in Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules for the year ended 31 December 2020.


The Company has adopted the Model Code as its own code of conduct regarding securities transactions by directors of the Company. Having made specific enquiry with the directors, all of them confirmed that they have complied with the required standards set out in the Model Code during the year ended 31 December 2020.


The Board formulates the overall strategy of the Group, monitors its financial performance and maintains effective oversight over the management. The Board members are fully committed to their roles and have acted in good faith to maximize the shareholders’ value in the long-run, and have aligned the Group’s goals and directions with the prevailing economic and market conditions. Daily operations and administration are delegated to the management.

The Board met regularly throughout the year to discuss the overall strategy as well as the operation and financial performance of the Group. The directors are kept informed on a timely basis of major changes that may affect the Group’s businesses, including relevant rules and regulations. The directors can, upon reasonable request, seek independent professional advice in appropriate circumstances, at the Company’s expenses. The Board shall resolve to provide separate appropriate independent professional advice to the directors to assist the relevant directors to discharge their duties.

updated as per Annual Report 2020

  • Corporate Governance
  • Company's Index

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