China Beidahuang Industry Group Holdings Limited
(Formerly known as Sino Distillery Group Limited)
(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)

Corporate Information       

Company Name China Beidahuang Industry Group Holdings Limited
Registered Office P.O. Box 309
Ugland House
Grand Cayman, KY1-1104
Cayman Islands
Head Office and Principal Place of Business Room 225, 2/F, Mega Cube
8 Wang Kwong Road
Kowloon Bay, Kowloon
Hong Kong
Sector Food & Beverages
Web Site Address
Phone Number (852) 2880 5033
Fax Number (852) 2880 5398
Email Address
Financial Year End December 31
Board of Directors Executive Directors
Mr. JIANG Jiancheng (Chairman)
Mr. LIU Xiaopeng (Vice-chairman)
Mr. KE Xionghan
Mr. CHEN Chen

Non-executive Directors
Mr. ZHAO Wanjiang (Vice-chairman)
Ms. HO Wing Yan
Mr. LI Dawei

Independent Non-executive Directors
Mr. CHONG Cha Hwa
Mr. YANG Yunguang
Mr. CHEN Zhifeng
Company Secretary Mr. CHAN Kwong Leung Eric
Principal Bankers The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
China Construction Bank Corporation
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited
Agricultural Bank of China Limited
China Guangfa Bank Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd.
Auditors HLB Hodgson Impey Cheng Limited
Principal Share Registrar and Transfer Office Suntera (Cayman) Limited
Suite 3204, Unit 2A, Block 3
Building D, P.O. Box 1586
Gardenia Court, Camana Bay
Grand Cayman, KY1-1110, Cayman Islands
Hong Kong Branch Share Registrar and Transfer Office Union Registrars Limited
Suites 3301-04, 33/F.
Two Chinachem Exchange Square
338 King's Road, North Point
Hong Kong
HKEX Stock Code 39
Listing Date 16th January 2001

updated 1st July, 2024

  • Company's Index

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