China Everbright Environment Group Limited
(Formerly known as China Everbright International Limited)
(Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability)

Corporate Information       

Company Name China Everbright Environment Group Limited
Registered Office Room 2703, 27th Floor
Far East Finance Centre
16 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong
Sector Environmental Protection
Web Site Address
Phone Number (852) 2804 1886
Fax Number (852) 2528 4228
Email Address
Financial Year End December 31
Board of Directors Executive Directors
Mr. HUANG Haiqing (Chairman of the Board)
Mr. LUAN Zusheng (Chief Executive Officer)

Non-executive Directors
Mr. KANG Guoming
Mr. PAN Jianyun

Independent Non-executive Directors
Mr. FAN Yan Hok, Philip
Mr. SUO Xuquan
Ms. LI Shuk Yin, Edwina

Company Secretary Ms. POON Yuen Ling
Principal Bankers Agricultural Bank of China Limited
Bank of China Limited
Bank of Communications Co., Ltd.
China Construction Bank Corporation
China Development Bank
China Everbright Bank Company Limited
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.
Hang Seng Bank Limited
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited
Industrial Bank Co., Ltd.
ING Bank N.V.
Nanyang Commercial Bank, Limited
Postal Savings Bank of China Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd.
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
The Bank of East Asia, Limited
The Export-Import Bank of China
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Auditors Ernst & Young
Solicitors Fangda Partners
Beijing DeHeng Law Offices
Registrars Tricor Tengis Limited
17/F, Far East Finance Centre
16 Harcourt Road
Hong Kong
HKEX Stock Code 257

updated 30th May, 2024

  • Company's Index

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